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Painting Class

project application

Do you have an idea? Would you like to organize an event?


Then download the project form and send us an email to:


Ideenbox: Image


Found a good idea for an event? Awarded because it contributes to the cultural life of Herrliberg. 

And because together is better than alone, the Vogtei Live for  event organizers  numerous advantages:

  1. organization of space

  2. Sale of tickets

  3. catering organization

  4. Inclusion in the printed and online program

  5. distribution via program,  Newsletter, Press, & Social Media Pages by  Bailiwick Live


If you have an idea for an event or course, please do not hesitate and simply submit data using the form. We will contact you quickly. Thanks!


Haben Sie Interesse diese Veranstaltung selber zu organisieren ?

Thanks for submitting!

Ideenbox: Testimonial Form
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