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Statutes of the “Association Vogtei Live”


Name and seat § 1

Under the name "Vogtei Live" there is an association within the meaning of Art. 60 ff of the Swiss Civil Code (hereinafter VEREIN). It is based in Herrliberg.


Purpose § 2 The purpose of the association is to operate a cultural and meeting center in the municipality of Herrliberg, enable cultural experiences in the community, promote the integration of residents into village life in Herrliberg and contribute to the dialogue between cultures and generations.


§ 3 The association is politically and religiously neutral.


Means § 4 The VEREIN pursues its purpose with donations, patronage contributions and income from activities such as exhibitions, courses, lectures, book clubs, etc. The VEREIN does not work for profit. Any annual profits are to be carried forward to the new account.


§ 5 The Board of Directors issues a fee regulation and regulates therein, among other things, the tax rates for the letting of the Club's premises to third parties.


§ 6 In order to achieve the association's goals, the VEREIN can employ or commission persons in return for appropriate compensation. Membership / Resignation


§ 7 Any natural or legal person who is actively or financially committed to the association can become a member of the association. A distinction is made between active and patron members. You become an active member by actively participating in the company after submitting an application for membership and being accepted by the board of directors, and a sponsor member by paying an annual fee.


§ 8 The contributions are determined by the General Assembly.


§ 9 Withdrawal from the association is possible at any time, but must be done in writing. With the resignation all rights towards the association are lost.


§ 10 The executive board can exclude members from the association who no longer fulfill their obligations to the association or who grossly disregard or endanger its interests after an unsuccessful reminder without giving a reason. I Culture and Meeting Center Statutes Page 2 of 3 Organs


§11 The association has the following organs: a. general assembly b. board c. Auditor General Assembly


§12 The members will be informed in advance about the date of the ordinary General Assembly with a provisional agenda. You can submit motions that should be placed on the agenda to the Executive Board no later than 6 weeks before the General Assembly. The board then invites the members to the ordinary general assembly at least 21 days in advance in writing, stating the definitive agenda. Invitations by email are valid. In addition, one fifth of the members can request the convening of the General Assembly at any time, stating the agenda.


§ 13 The General Assembly is entitled to: 1. Election of the President and the other members of the Executive Board 2. Election of the auditors 3. Supervision of the Executive Board and the auditors and their dismissal if there is an important reason 4. Approval of the annual accounts and discharge of the board of directors 5. Determination of the membership fees 6. Amendment of the statutes 7. Dissolution of the association


§ 14 The decisions of the association are made with the majority of the members present. The chairperson agrees; he/she has the casting vote. Board


§ 15 The board consists of 3 or more members. It elects a President from among its members. It can issue regulations/fee regulations for its organization and management.


§ 16 The Board of Directors is elected for a term of one year, ie until the day of the General Assembly of the year following the election, and may be re-elected


§ 17 The board conducts all business. He represents the association externally. The members of the Executive Board each sign collectively in pairs. The Executive Board plans and implements the annual program, taking into account the wishes of the General Assembly.


§ 18 The members of the board of directors generally work on an honorary basis and are only entitled to compensation for their actual expenses and cash outlays. Appropriate compensation may be paid for special performance by individual members of the Management Board. Culture and Meeting Center Statutes Page 3 of 3 auditors


§ 19 The General Assembly elects one or more auditors. The term of office of the auditors corresponds to that of the members of the Executive Board. You don't need to be a club member.


§ 20 The auditors examine the annual accounts, submit a report to the ordinary General Assembly and submit an application for acceptance or rejection of the annual accounts. resolution


§ 21 The VEREIN can be dissolved at any time at a general assembly convened specifically for this purpose.


§ 22 The General Assembly decides on the use of the association's assets.



Herrliberg, September 18, 2019

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